Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Fundraising Appointments offers bursary places for the International Fundraising Workshop in Amsterdam

Nordwijkerhout, home of the International Fundraising Congress/IFRW
Congrescentrum entrance at the International Fundraising Congress

Two sponsored places for three days at the International Fundraising Workshop in Amsterdam in October are being offered to professional fundraisers by Fundraising Appointments, a part of the Charity Appointments Group.

Two charities will be able to send one staff member each to take part in this, the 18th international event, between October 21-23 1998. Sue Douthwaite, Executive Director of Fundraising Appointments, is keen to ensure that places go to those who will benefit most from the opportunity.

“We want to be sure that any fundraiser who goes will really use this opportunity both for personal development and as a means of benefiting their charity,”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

said Sue.

“So applicants must tell us how the knowledge they gain will help them to expand their fundraising programme. We want committed fundraisers. This is why we want to choose a member or associate member of ICFM who has been in fundraising at least two years and who has been with their present charity for not less than nine months. They must be prepared to come back and tell us what they have achieved as a result of going and they must have the backing of their Chief Executive. Lastly, they must work for a UK charity with a voluntary income of less than £1 million. All they will have to pay is their fare.”


Application procedure

  1. Available to UK charities with a voluntary income of less than £1 million
  2. The Chief Executive of the charity must support & sign off the application
  3. It is a condition of the bursary that holders will make a presentation to the selection panel in February 1999 & their Chief Executive must sign off the presentation
  4. Details about the International Fundraising Workshop 1998 should be obtained from their offices at 295 Kennington Road, London SE11 4QE
  5. The bursary holder will be responsible for their own travel costs

Eligibility criteria

  1. Member / Associate Member of the ICFM
  2. Has been employed by their charity for at least 9 months
  3. Has been in fundraising for at least 2 years
  4. Would see this as an opportunity for personal development
  5. Knowledge gained would help to expand their Charity’s fundraising programme
  6. Must undertake to make a presentation on “What they have done and achieved for their Charity as a result of what they have learnt.” This presentation to be signed off by their Chief Executive & presented to the Fundraising Appointments Selection Panel in February 1999.

How to apply

Applicants should obtain a copy of the programme for the International Fundraising Workshop 1998 from their offices and choose their sessions. They should then write, on one side of A4, stating how attending the IFW would assist in increasing the income of their Charity. They should also include background information on their Charity and its fundraising activities to date.

The closing date for applications is 17 August 1998.

Anyone interested in applying should first view the details of the 1998 International Fundraising Workshop. Applicants should then send a written application, on no more than one side of A4, stating those sessions they wish to attend and how the Workshop will help them to increase income for their charity.

This should then be sent by post, e-mail or fax to Sue Douthwaite at

Fundraising Appointments
Longcroft House
Victoria Avenue
Fax – 0171 623 9494
E-mail – su***********@ch*****************.uk

Find out who won the bursaries. Read UK Fundraising’s October 1998 report.

