Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Charities and IT volunteers meet up at new volunteering forum

Howard Lake | 19 May 2003 | News

Seventeen IT volunteering projects are currently being negotiated as a result of the first “ITmatchmaker” event.

IT 4 Communities and Business Community Connections have hosted their first ITmatchmaker event for London-based charities in need of IT expertise and local IT professionals willing to provide their skills for a good cause.

Sixteen voluntary sector organisations and 29 IT volunteers attended the event at the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists’ Hall.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

All the charities who signed up were provided with free training, both to define IT projects that were suitable to volunteers and to think through the issues of working with pro bono professionals.

IT 4 Communities’ Director, Simon Davey, was very pleased with the outcome of the evening. “Tonight’s event was a pilot to test the potential of such events to bring together charities and IT volunteers. The early feedback has been very positive from both the community groups and the IT professionals, and we will definitely be holding more “ITmatchmaker” events alongside our regular online service.”

