The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

New clients for Fisk Brett

Charity software specialists Fisk Brett have announced a number of new projects going live with new clients using their Progress software.

Fisk Brett’s wew customers include WellBeing, Winged Fellowship Trust, the London Academy of Music and Drama, and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama.

WellBeing, the health research charity for women and babies, invested in Progress as a means of consolidating all their spreadsheets and databases into one centralised system.


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Winged Fellowship Trust chose to have Progress installed on their servers allowing access to their many workers in different locations. The charity, which provides holidays and breaks for disabled and visually impaired people and their carers, will be using Progress to develop further their fundraising activities, record information on their thousands of volunteers and manage events.

Educational institutes LAMDA and RWCMD both intend to use Progress not only to keep in touch with past students – tracking their careers and successes as well as their many address changes – but also to keep them up to date with forthcoming projects that they can become involved with.

Fisk Brett has over 130 customers which include charities and associations of varying sizes and type. The annual conference of Progress users has been announced as 15th October 2003 and sees guest speakers discussing the theme of data driven decision-making.

