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New Director of Communications and Marketing at Breast Cancer Campaign

The new director Sangeeta Haindl wants to make Breast Cancer Campaign become “a key and independent voice to breaking breast
cancer stories.”

Haindl’s immediate brief has been to promote the launch of the charity’s ‘wear it pink®’ campaign. This is a new fundraising initiative that is set to raise £140,000, with participants nationwide donating £2 to BCC on Friday 31 October 2003 and wearing an item of pink clothing for the day.

Other drives include a bid to expand celebrity support, working with high
profile names to raise awareness for breast cancer, and developing media sponsorships, following on from the ongoing partnership that BCC has with Debenhams and SHE Magazine.


Haindl has worked in the PR industry for seven years and was responsible for over-seeing the publicity surrounding the
controversial response to the Prime Minister’s speech at the June 2000
Women’s Institute conference.

