The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

NSPCC previews upcoming TV ads to supporters via Web

Howard Lake | 16 January 2004 | News

The NSPCC has e-mailed its supporters offering them a chance to preview its upcoming range of TV and radio campaign adverts.

This month sees the launch of a major programme of TV, radio and press advertising as part of the NSPCC’s “Someone to turn to” campaign. This encourages young people aged 11-16 to talk to organisations such as the NSPCC or ChildLine about issues such as bullying and neglect.

The NSPCC has just e-mailed its supporters with details of these adverts and the opportunity to view and hear them on the Web in advance of their airing.


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While the NSPCC isn’t seeking feedback from supporters on the adverts, this use of the Web and e-mail to offer benefits such as prior access to information is certainly a very good use of the medium. You don’t always have to offer something valuable: the opportunity to preview TV and radio ads might not appeal to all donors, but being offered the opportunity certainly brings a sense of shared interest with the charity.

“As a loyal supporter of the NSPCC we would like to offer you the opportunity to view the adverts before they are aired”, says the e-mail message. In addition the charity asks for help: “you can also help us to ensure this campaign succeeds by spreading our message so children know there is someone out there who will listen without judging them.”

