Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Amnesty International capital appeal reaches target

Direct mail campaign for Amnesty International capital appeal
Amnesty mailing

The public element of Amnesty International UK’s capital appeal is on target.

In October 2002 Amnesty International UK first mailed its supporters appealing for money to buy a new building in London which would become their new Human Rights Action Centre. As a result, the human rights organisation’s new home, a large four-storey building in Shoreditch, is ready and waiting for refurbishment.

A second mailing, sent out earlier this year, made a further appeal to help turn the shell into a lively, working building. This big format pack shows the dark exterior with a scattering of brightly lit windows piercing the gloom. The message is “A final push is needed to turn all the lights on”.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Inside the pack Amnesty International UK revealed its plans for the Centre including a 250-seat auditorium, creative studio, a suite of training and teaching rooms, the media room and ‘direct action’ stations.

Adina Farmaner, Amnesty International UK’s Donor Development Manager, is pleased with the results of the appeal. “Around 6,400 gifts have been received and the income target was broken within two days. The mailing is on target to double the original budgeted income.”

The public element of the appeal followed a private appeal to selected wealthy individuals.

