The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

£267,000 donated online in's first two years logo

Since was launched two years ago, £267,000 has been donated online through the site.

The site was set up by Charities Aid Foundation, AOL UK, and the AOL Time Warner Foundation to enable charities to publish information about their activities to AOL users and the wider public, and to handle tax-effective donations to them online.

The facility to publish news to the site has been used by 675 different charities who between them have added over 1,230 separate news items online. Given the scale of AOL UK’s audience and the fact that it promotes as its preferred destination for charitable support, this suggests that many charities are missing a trick by not publishing news updates on the site.


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CAF is optimistic about the site’s future development, pointing out that donations through the site have doubled over the last year.

