The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

MSN offers preview of new improved search engine

Howard Lake | 12 October 2004 | News

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MSN’s long-awaited search engine is getting closer to launch, and is now offering previews of its search technology, so you can check how well your charity’s Web site will rank.

While Google still dominates online searching and promotion, there are a few other search engines that charities and other organisations should pay attention to. MSN, owned by Microsoft, would certainly be one of these, and might become more important when it launches its improved search engine.

You can get an idea of what the new MSN search engine will deliver from the company’s preview version.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Try out the various keywords that you want your charity’s site to be found under. How do they perform? If you’re not satisifed, MSN encourages you to make suggestions for improvements to them.

We were pleased to see that on a search on “fundraising”, UK Fundraising managed second position, out of 9,338,721 listings related to fundraising. We are currently second on Google for the same search.

