The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Children learn more about charity from the media

National Giving Week
The first national Giving Week is coming

The media, rather than parents, schools or places of worship, is now the key source of information about charity and giving, according to the latest research from CAF (Charities Aid Foundation).

NOP surveyed 1,000 people from across Britain for CAF to see where they thought children learned about giving and charity.

NOP found that 38% of those questioned said that youngsters learn most about giving to charity from the media; 23% thought that young people learnt from their parents/carers; and 17% thought that schools taught children about giving to charity. Only 6% of those surveyed thought young people learn about charity from their places of worship.


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It wasn’t just adults who were asked. The survey included those aged 15 to 24, and their responses confirmed this view. Half of those asked believed young people learn about charity primarily through the media. However, when asked who or what is best placed to teach them about charitable giving, 41% said their school, with parents their second choice at 36%.

The survey suggests that information on giving has changed within a generation. Thirty two per cent of adults surveyed said that they had learned about charitable giving from their parents, 10% their places of worship, 9% from school and only 22% from the media.

Whichever is the prime source now, nearly two-thirds of all age groups thought that young people are not taught enough about giving to charity. When asked, 48% couldn’t think of a single strong role model for charitable giving.

The research was conducted as part of the UK’s first National Giving Week which takes place between 18 – 24 October 2004 and aims to increase the level of all charitable giving in the UK by highlighting the important work of charities.

More on National Giving Week

