The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Boys and Girls Welfare Society rebrands

Howard Lake | 29 November 2004 | News

The Boys and Girls Welfare Society recently asked Cascaid Consulting to help rebrand the charity, resulting in what the agency believes is the first branding consultation involving young people from 9-17 years old with special needs.

The young people were included in Cascaid’s extensive consultation workshops with beneficiaries, staff and stakeholders of the charity.

The workshop participants were children and young people from The Boys and Girls Welfare Society’s (BGWS) residential homes in North West England. They were consulted on their views on the current brand and ideas for a new name.


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The young people participated in a session which used young people’s icons and other brand images to spark discussion and then they were asked to create graphics for a new name and logo. Cascaid said that the young participants “provided great insight into how the brand is perceived by young people and also came up with many highly creative suggestions for new names and images.”

Andrew Haines, Chief Executive, said: “We were keen to include our young people and were delighted when some volunteered to be involved in the process”.

Having found them so useful, Cascaid have now incorporated the art workshops into their branding consultations with adults as part of the BGWS project.

