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Fundraising director appointed by Auctioning4u

Howard Lake | 6 December 2004 | News

Auctioning4u, the eBay drop-off company that handles the entire sales process of donated items on eBay, has hired its first fundraising director to work with its charity clients.

Isabella Pawlowski has joined Auctioning4u to help charities use its services to raise funds online by selling donated items at eBay. Auctioning4u will handle almost any item worth over £10. It sells on behalf of individuals, companies and charities.

Sellers simply have to drop-off their donated goods at one of Auctioning4u’s high street shops in London. The company charges 30% of the sale price, and says that it pays charities within six weeks of the item9s) being accepted.


Auctioning4u’s skilled staff and technology has, it says, resulted in its sale-through rate rising above 90%, compared to eBay’s average of 43%.

Current charity clients include The Big Issue Foundation and the Teenage Cancer Trust.

