Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Channel 4 profiles nude fundraising calendars

Howard Lake | 28 December 2004 | News

Channel 4 TV tomorrow features a documentary on the large number of nude fundraising calendars established in the wake of the Rylstone and District WI members’ calendar and the resultant ‘Calendar Girls’ film.

Tomorrow at 21.00 Channel 4 will screen “Naked Britain” which, according to the Radio Times, “takes a peak at the recent explosion in naked photo shoots for charity (a la Calendar Girls).” The film is “saucy, but not quite as rude as it sounds”.

Writing in the Radio Times, Jane Rackham says that “according to this light-hearted exploration, 2004 saw an explosion in nude charity calendars featuring golfers, fishermen, mechanics, gardeners and plumbers with their kit off.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The programme aims to show that, although most of the calendars are put together with a sense of humour and charitable purpose, “the world of the naked charity calendar is still strewn with pitfalls.”

