Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Camper shoes raise funds at eBay for Rainforest charity

Howard Lake | 19 July 2005 | News

The Amazon Rainforest Foundation is raising funds from donated Camper shoes at eBay with assistance from Auctioning4u’s fundraising arm Auctioning4good.

A range of men’s and women’s shoes in different sizes and style are on offer in the online auction. They are on sale for as low as £20, and all net proceeds from the sale will be donated to the Amazon Rainforest Foundation.

The shoes are being auctioned in partnership with Auctioning4Good which has photographed and described each pair of shoes before posting them on eBay. They will also ensure that each pair of shoes will be shipped as soon as payment has been made.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

As the fundraising arm of Auctioning4u, Auctioning4Good’s aim is to help charities sell high value items on eBay for a greater profit than could be achieved in a traditional charity shop. It works with a range of charities as diverse as e-Learning Foundation, MS Society and Tree Aid as well as schools and churches raising money for good causes. It claims a sale-through rate above 90% compared to eBay’s average of 43%.

