The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

£3 million donated online to DEC Niger appeal

Howard Lake | 6 September 2005 | News

Video still from DEC Niger crisis appeal August 2005
DEC video ad appeal on MTV for the Niger crisis appeal (August 2005).

Over £3 million has been donated online since the launch of the Disaster Emergency Committee’s Niger appeal in early August 2005, representing 15% of all income to the appeal.

So far 57,500 donations have been handled by online payment service provider securetrading.

In the past year securetrading has seen the number of donations made online increase by 77% to in excess of 57,500 donations for the Niger appeal. Online collection has climbed 6% to account for 15% of all donations made to DEC charitable appeals.


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SEE ALSO: Blue Peter 60th: How Sightsavers got its name (17 October 2018)

Most importantly the time frame for collection has been significantly reduced: the Niger appeal has reached £3 million through online donations in just four weeks compared to last year’s Sudan crisis which took 36 weeks to reach almost £1.8 million online.

Total donations on the first night of the appeal, launched on 2 August 2005, reached £5.4 million.

WATCH: DEC Niger Crisis appeal by Jeremy Vine on BBC TV

WATCH: MTV advert from DEC

