The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Its all new media isn't it?

Howard Lake | 22 March 2006 | Blogs

The thing about new media is that we all know we should be doing it but not many of us actually know what it is we should be doing. But is the non-profit sector alone in this? I think not.
I’ve been taking extra interest in email marketing lately, attending several conferences and presentations which have just served to convince me that most of the corporate sector has little or no idea about it either. At a recent Institute of Directors email marketing presentation, the speaker, from one of those ‘specialist’ new media agencies you’ve never heard of, looked flabbergasted when his very basic presentation produced a level of questioning that defies description. ‘So I send an email to our database thingy saying come and visit our website?’ asked one of the captains of industry. ‘Why, what’s the proposition?’ asks our expert, ”cos we’re jolly good and been around 200 years!’ says our smug leader, who then spent 10 minutes repeating himself until the lure of the bar was too much for the rest of us to resist.

