Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Plan Ireland test their first door-to-door campaign

Howard Lake | 12 June 2006 | Newswire

12th June 2006
Plan Ireland, the Irish division of international humanitarian organisation, Plan International, begins a test door-to-door campaign in mid June with professional fundraising organisation, Fundraising Initiatives. This door-to-door test will run simultaneously with the charity’s current street activity, both campaigns will be promoting child sponsorship. They are diversifying into door-to-door having assessed the success of door-to-door campaigns by other overseas Plan divisions, particularly for the recruitment of middle aged donors that research has shown become highly involved in Plan’s work. The campaign will run throughout June and will target households in Dublin, Cork and Galway with the objective of recruiting 1000 new donors at a high value monthly ask. The campaign is part of the charity’s ongoing donor acquisition strategy.
Contact: Jo Noble, Fundraising Initiatives +44 (0)20 8731 5124,


