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First event fundraising and sponsorship degree announced

The UK Centre for Events Management at Leeds Metropolitan University will launch the UK’s first BA (Hons) Event Fundraising and Sponsorship in Autumn 2006.

The course will be available in a one-year full-time format or as a two-year part-time top-up degree.

According to UK Centre for Events Management Head, Rai Shacklock:
This course provides managers with the key skills for this specialist sector whilst providing employers and practitioners with the qualifications to support development and innovation in this area.”


The new degree programme, run by course leader Kate Cross, will cover the key aspects of event fundraising and sponsorship with modules such as innovative fundraising strategies, event sponsorship, as well as managing partners and clients.

The course is open to those with a suitable HND qualification (or equivalent), those with relevant experience already working in the industry, and those with an existing degree who wish to move into this arena.

