The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Key2Giving adds online marketing tools for charity clients

Howard Lake | 7 September 2006 | News

Fundraising Initiatives is helping its charity clients get the most out of its new Key2Giving key recovery service by providing them with online marketing tools. This is designed especially to help those charities that have little or no experience of email or web marketing.

The website, launched last month, already shows visitors the charities they can support and guides them through the registration and direct debit process. All transactions are completed online with an email acknowledgement.

Charities participating in the fundraising programme also have a dedicated web page, where people interested in supporting that charity only can sign up. It is the promotion of this element in particular that Fundraising Initiatives is aiming to help charities with through its marketing support package.


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To help charities drive potential donors to their dedicated web page, Fundraising Initiatives is providing a range of tools, including pro forma ‘thank you’ emails, a standard email signature, and a join button linking the email to the charity’s landing page on the Key2Giving website, developed by design agency Design Culture.

Member charities can also use a generic banner advert in their email marketing programmes, on their websites, on the websites of any corporate partners or in any online advertising they undertake. The banner will be charity branded but will also feature animated versions of the Key2Giving logo.

Fundraising Initiative’s deputy managing director Anne Bolitho explained why they developed this online marketing support package. “We are expecting many small- and medium-sized charities to join Key2Giving,” she said, “which may well not have done a lot of email marketing, so we can say to them, don’t worry, we can look after this area for you.

“The online materials we are providing can be sent to all the charities’ stakeholders, including their commercial suppliers, as a means to encourage them to join the scheme, though of course what they send to their donors and when they do it will depend on their fundraising strategy.”

Guideposts Trusts’ head of funding and development David Beck said: “Key2Giving Online is great news for Guideposts as it opens up the whole area of Online marketing and fundraising for us. The marketing support pack offered by Fundraising Initiatives makes it much easier for us to access and maximise the opportunities offered by Key2Giving.”

