The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Eastside Consulting to present at tomorrow's Perfect Pitch

Howard Lake | 1 October 2006 | News

Eastside Consulting will be presenting at tomorrow’s UK Fundraising Perfect Pitch – Funding/Grants and Innovative Fundraising in London. The company advises charities and social enterprise on new and innovative ways to build financial sustainability. There are still places available at the free event.

Eastside Consulting will be talking about their capacity building and fundraising service that enables clients “to maximise their return on limited resources”. The company says that eligible charities can receive subsidised support.

Eastside Consulting joins Everyclick, Future Fundraising, the Commission on Unclaimed Assets, and The Phone Room at Perfect Pitch in London’s Covent Garden. A morning event, this Perfect Pitch is once again accepting registrations after securing larger rooms for the event. Booking will close later this afternoon.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Delegates will receive an email today with updated details of the timetable.

