Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Season's end?

Howard Lake | 7 December 2006 | Blogs

So, we have finally come to the end of the fundraising conference season, do any of us tot up how many hours we spend at these things? All in all I’ve enjoyed the events I’ve attended this Autumn, obviously the Institute of Fundraising (IoF) London Region gets a mention because I’m on the committee, but I attended two residential conferences this year that I think stand out.
Firstly, the IoF North West conference in Grange over Sands, Cumbria, and not just for the beautiful setting and hotel. I think this was one of the friendliest events I’ve attended in a long time where everyone went out of their way to make newcomers welcome. A well-balanced programme, good selection of speakers, comfortable surroundings and a fine dinner all contributed to the experience. I’m sure the organisers would like to attract more delegates, but in not being too big, there was a buzz about the place with delegates eagerly exchanging bits of information they had had picked up and there seemed to be a real desire to share. Keep up the good work folks.
Secondly, the IoF Scotland conference was a big step up for them in size of event. Having outgrown their Dunblane home of the last few years, the move to Glasgow and the modern waterfront hotel was a big gamble. The organisers obviously worked hard at attracting big name speakers to the event and it could probably have done with some sessions being repeated to allow delegates to hear more of some of the circuit stars. The evening entertainments was of the high level we have all come to expect from this event, but the delegates I spoke to did miss the sit-down lunches – in actual fact, the food in the hotel was awful. If the IoF can attract another 50-75 delegates to this new location then I think the atmosphere we all used to enjoy in Dunblane (despite the hotel falling to bits) will return.
So have I counted up the hours I’ve spent at conferences this year? Not b***** likely!

