The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Everyclick in finals of Daily Telegraph Business Personality Awards

Howard Lake | 25 January 2007 | News, the search engine that helps charity, is one of the finalists for The Jaeger-LeCoultre Daily Telegraph Business Personality of the Year Awards 2006.

Damian Reece, the City Editor of The Daily Telegraph said: “We were looking for people who had left the comfort zone of a salaried position to start their own business or who had overcome disabilities or who were not only generous with their money but also their time.”

The founders of everyclick have put their homes on the line to support this fundraising venture.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now. gives 50% of its gross revenue to the charities its users choose. There is no cost to the user or the charity and the website enables users to select their favorite charity from the 170,000 that are registered in the UK.

Polly Gowers, CEO of, said: “We are determined to turn the internet into a sustainable fundraising mechanism for any charity. Every internet user has the potential to revenue for the charity of their choice just by changing the way they search.” has already raised over £120,000 for charity and estimates that, at the current rate of growth, this could exceed £1 million by the end of 2007.

Other finalists for this award include Sir John Harvey-Jones, Peter Birch, John Bird and inventors James Dyson and Trevor Bayliss.

