Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Forbes lists 946 billionaires

Howard Lake | 15 March 2007 | News

Forbes magazine has published its list of the world’s wealthiest people. The list of 946 billionaires found that two-thirds of them have increased their wealth over the past year, and the average age has dropped by two years to 62.

The combined net worth of the billionaires on the list increased by $900 billion to $3.5 trillion.

The top two on the list are once again Microsoft founder Bill Gates and investor Warren Buffett (and that is after his major charitable donations), but telecoms company owner Carlos Slim Helu of Mexico is very close behind in third place.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

In Asia India has eclipsed Japan as the source of most billionaires with 36, compared to Japan’s 24.

There are 29 British citizens on this year’s list, with The Duke of Westminster the highest-ranking among them, at no 55 on the list. Sir Richard Branson is number 230 and JK Rowling is at number 891.

Forbes’ website offers some detail on each of the billionaires in the list, and mentions some of their charitable activities and donations.

