The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Virtual Promise 2006 results published

Howard Lake | 22 March 2007 | News

The 2006 edition of nfpSynergy’s annual survey tracking charities’ use of, and attitudes to, the internet has been published. The report incorporates data on specific information regarding their internet presence and resources, including budgets, staff allocation, hardware/software, marketing, agreement with statements and much more.

nfpSynergy researched and wrote the original report with Horwath Consulting called ‘Virtual Promise – Are charities keeping up with the Internet revolution?’

The research polls organisations asking them for specific information on their internet presence and resources, including budgets, staff allocation, hardware/software, marketing, attitudes and much more. The results were first published as a special supplement for Third Sector magazine and were sent out in February 2001.


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Since then nfpSynergy has conducted the research on an annual basis. In 2004 it produced a retrospective report entitled ‘Virtual Promise – From Rhetoric to Reality’.

