Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Intelligent Giving want your "most painful sponsored events"

Howard Lake | 24 April 2007 | News

Independent charity analysis service Intelligent Giving is asking fundraisers and donors to share details of their most painful sponsored events.

Last month’s “daft competition” (their words) asked for the most commonly mishead charity names – “Make a Fish Foundation” won. This month it is most painful sponsored events they want to hear about.

They have set the bar already: “you have to beat the story we spotted recently in Metro”, they say. “Apparently, an old chap somewhere had his entire beard plucked out whisker by whisker for a local good cause, raising £100 for his pains. Ouch!”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Actually, it doesn’t have to be a real event you submit – you’re allowed to dream one up.

Last month’s competition winner won a £25 Amazon voucher.

