The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

CAFAmerica grants exceed $100 million

CAFAmerica has now received and distributed over $100 million in donations to international charities and causes since it was established in 1993. The U.S. nonprofit, dedicated to expanding borderless charitable giving, has increased its giving year on year.

Much of this grant activity has been created by the $34 million it has handled via its Donor Advised Fund service, which was launched in 2000.

Since 2002, the organisation has extended its international donor-advised grantmaking into 30 new countries. It now links U.S. donors to local charities in 76 countries around the world.


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The organisation was founded by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in the UK. It helps individuals, companies, family and community foundations manage their international philanthropy and strengthen charitable activity around the world.

It expects to receive and distribute around $16 million in the next financial year, putting it “two years ahead of its financial targets” in terms of its own administrative costs.

Susan Saxon-Harrold, Chief Executive Officer of CAFAmerica; said: “CAFAmerica is operating in a fiercely competitive arena. As international philanthropy has developed, though, CAFA has attracted new U.S. donors because of the innovative, tax-efficient solutions it provides…

“Another key driver of our growth is that we offer a reliable, responsive service backed by strong grants administration procedures. In spite of the legal context of U.S. international grant making, 80% of our grants are made within 1 month.”

