Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Fundraiser pedals to success for Addenbrooke's

Howard Lake | 18 June 2007 | Newswire

A bike ride attempt by a keen fundraiser who cycled from Land’s End to John O’Groats has come to an end, and has resulted in over £20,000 being raised for Addenbrooke’s Hospital. The money, combined with an existing £70,000, will help fund an extra Paediatric Neuro-Oncology Outreach Nurse at Addenbrooke’s Hospital, Cambridge.
Rob Hughes set off on his bike ride from Lands End on the 28 May, and continued up the country arriving at John O’Groats on 12 June. Along the way, Rob faced the relentless task of biking up to 75 miles a day, whilst fighting against the wind and rain.
Reflecting on his journey, which covered nearly 1,000 miles, Rob said As my ride progressed, I found the trip to be more of a mental challenge than a physical one. Getting up everyday and doing the same thing daily did become a little tiresome. However, my main motivation was the memory of my daughter Anna, who endured months of chemotherapy without complaining, that thought alone kept me going the whole time”.
Rob co-founded the charity Anna’s Hope – along with his wife Carole – in memory of his daughter Anna who was treated at Addenbrooke’s Hospital for a brain tumour. Anna sadly lost her battle with cancer in May 2006 and since then Rob and his family have been tirelessly campaigning for the charity and raising money for use at Addenbrooke’s.
I had many highlights en route” continued Rob. The turn out at my offices midway through the ride was incredible. The final leg of the journey, a downhill slope into John O’Groats, was also a highlight as it involved no peddling!! All in all, I now feel a great sense of achievement, along with feeling exhausted and in need of some relaxation!!”
Commenting on the success of Rob’s bike ride, Keith Day, CEO of Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust said We are all extremely proud of Rob. His determination has led to a tremendous amount being raised. The nurse will be a fantastic asset to the ward, enhancing the care we can offer at Addenbrooke’s. Congratulations Rob!!”
For more information about Anna’s Hope, please visit
About Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT)
Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust (ACT), formerly the Fund & Friends of Addenbrooke’s (FFA), is an independent registered charity which raises money for all departments, wards and clinics at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge – one of the largest and busiest hospitals in the country. Many hospitals across the UK rely on fundraising activities to support existing publicly funded services. Donations received by ACT make a real difference to patients and staff at Addenbrooke’s. Monies raised play a critical role in keeping Addenbrooke’s at the forefront of medical diagnosis, treatment and research, enabling the purchase of sophisticated equipment, funding additional staff and providing financial support for refurbishment projects. Professional fundraising at Addenbrooke’s began in 1997 and over the last ten years has raised more than £3.5 million for a wide range of projects. There are many ways to support ACT. For more information go to:

