The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Charity21 and Mesh Strategies to present at Perfect Pitch

Howard Lake | 20 September 2007 | News

Two strategy, fundraising and communications consultancies will be presenting at next month’s UK Fundraising Perfect Pitch – New media and innovative fundraising. Charity21 and Mesh Strategies will hold a joint surgery session, offering delegates a chance to air their new media fundraising questions and concerns.

Sarah Hughes of Charity21 and Amy McGeever of Mesh Strategies will encourage delegates to ask about their key issues, covering anything from developing an integrated, data-driven digital strategy, through building and maintaining relationships online, to taking care of your web presence and not just your website(s).

After nine years at Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), Sarah Hughes set up Charity21 where she specializes in helping charities move from a tactical or operational approach to developing a robust digital strategy aligned with their mission and goals. Her clients have included Christian Aid, eBay for Charity (MissionFish), the Finance Hub, Make A Wish Foundation and NCH. She was also UK Fundraising’s first blogger.


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With over 10 years’ experience in the US nonprofit sector, Amy McGeever relocated to the UK and set up <Mesh Strategies. She has hands-on experience of building, implementing and leading integrated online fundraising programmes. While head of online fundraising at public media organisation Thirteen/WNET New York, she grew online revenue by 38% and raised email delivery rates by 140%.

Her UK clients have included a London-based charity marketing agency and a major UK children’s charity.

Charity21 and Mesh Strategies join Everyclick and Baigent Ltd at Perfect Pitch – New media and innovative fundraising on 3 October at The Royal Society in London. There is no charge to attend but pre-registration is required for the half-day event which starts at 9.30.

