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Winners Celebrate Biffaward Community and Environmental Awards

Howard Lake | 7 October 2007 | News

Biffa - photo: Howard Lake
Biffa logo – photo: Howard Lake

Seventeen community and environmental projects around the country contested this year’s Biffaward Awards ceremony held in Manchester on 3 October.

Peter Jones OBE, Biffa’s Director of External Affairs, presented the Overall Winner’s prize to Long Whatton Cricket Club near Loughborough, Leicestershire; the Club won the Small Grants category and then went on to claim the top prize – a total prize of £7,000.

The aim of the annual event – now in its ninth year – is to celebrate the achievements of the community and environmental projects supported by Biffaward and to highlight the diversity of work made possible by its grants through the Landfill Communities Fund.


Green tree canopy environment. Photo: Pixabay

