Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Eco charity Google Maps mashup

Howard Lake | 15 October 2007 | Blogs


Today is Blog Action Day – with some 15,000 blogs of all shapes, sizes and specialisms (including this one) uniting by publishing posts about the environment. So, it’s the ideal day to mention the latest charity Google Maps mash-up I’ve spotted (you can read about some UK examples here).
Called Who on Earth Cares, it comes from the Australian Conservation Foundation and gives Australians an opportunity to flag exactly where they live and attach to their flag details of how they pledge to help cut greenhouse gas emissions – as well as see who else in their local area is doing the same. The site also includes an environmental impact calculator and automatically generates a personalised letter the user can send to their local political representative asking them to take steps to address climate change.
It’s a great example of how Google Maps can be used to build a real world community of people and engage them very personally with a cause.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

