The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Chapel & York announces ‘Donate a Directory’ scheme

Statue of Liberty in New York harbour. Photo:

Chapel & York has launched a Donate a Directory scheme with their latest edition of the Directory of American Grantmakers 2008-2009.

Everyone who buys a hard copy (ie the book) of the directory will be able to nominate a charity to receive a PDF of the directory. The company is hoping this will be mainly smaller charities who potentially would not be able to afford to buy the directory themselves.

The directory contains more than 700 entries of American-based foundations and organisations ofering grants and assistance to charities and non-profits outside the US. Profiles of the grant-givers give an overview of the interests and geographical focus of the organisations as well as contact details and financial information.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

