Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Delegates to Learn Commercial Marketing Concepts can be Adapted to suit Voluntary Organisations

'Marketing' in Scrabble tiles on a table - photo:
Marketing ABC. Photo:

The latest commercial marketing trends can help event fundraisers increase attendance to their events, according to Professor Ian Bruce, Founder and Director of the Centre for Charity Effectiveness at London City University’s Cass Business School.

The session will be part of the Institute of Fundraising’s forthcoming Event Fundraising conference, which is to be held on Thursday 15 May 2008 at the Royal Over-Seas League, London, SW1.

When it comes to event fundraising, the charity sector has much to learn from the commercial world and delegates will learn from Professor Bruce’s keynote address that even tight budgets can enable successful event promotion.
Institute Organisational member RNLI’s Regional Events Manager Tamsin Davies will also propose that events fundraisers ‘run it their own way’ when it comes to sporting events. In house fundraising teams can set up their own running events, mobilising a team of event volunteers and putting together a successful campaign to recruit runners.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Being the third largest in the UK, Macmillan Cancer Support’s World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, is a prime example of a high profile and very successul fundraising event. Originally a regional event, it has grown steadily through taking a long-term approach to event success, and using effective communications and publicity techniques.

Kirsty Thomson, Head of Events, Institute of Fundraising says:

“Effective and innovative event fundraising is an essential way for charities to recruit supporters and generate income. It is key that fundraisers are aware of the latest innovations and developments in events fundraising and have the confidence to develop innovative and exciting concepts, and this event will provide the necessary tools.”

The comprehensive programme includes presentations from Organisational members Macmillan Cancer Support and RNLI, and other organisations including London City University’s Cass Business School, Crisis, Helen Rollason Heal Cancer Charity, Make-A-Wish Foundation and Guide Dogs.


Title: Inspiring Innovation: Bright Ideas for Event Fundraising
Date: Thursday 15 May 2008
Venue: Royal Over-Seas League, London, SW1
Cost: £175 for Institute Individual members, £225 for charities, £275 for commercial organisations

Further information: Visit or call 0845 337 2734


For media queries:

Diana Mackie Tel: 020 7840 1027
Institute of Fundraising Email: pr***@in**********************.uk


1. Institute of Fundraising ( mission is to support fundraisers, through leadership, representation, standards setting and education, to deliver excellent fundraising. Members are supported through training, networking, the dissemination of best practice and representation on issues that affect the fundraising environment. The Institute of Fundraising is the largest individual representative body in the voluntary sector with 4500 Individual members and 280 Organisational members.

