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Microsoft and celebrities raise £50,000 for NSPCC

Howard Lake | 10 March 2008 | News

World class sports stars and celebrities teamed up with Microsoft staff, agencies and partners for a knock-out football tournament at Wembley Stadium which raised £50,000 for NSPCC.

The NSPCC All Stars, who won the tournament, included the charity’s Ambassador, Amir Khan; Darren Campbell, the Olympic Gold Medallist runner; Iwan Thomas, MBE, 400 metre European and Commonwealth Gold Medallist; England wicket keeper, Alec Stewart; cricketer Mark Ramprakash; and Sajid Mahmood, Lancashire’s fast bowler.

Syed Ahmed, the entrepreneur from Apprentice 2, children’s TV presenter Tony Craig, and Fame Academy 2’s James Fox joined in the tournament too.


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As did actors and soap stars including Jake Hendriks, who plays Kieron from Hollyoaks, James Hooton and Sam Anderson, who play Sam and Marlon Dingle, James Baxter who plays Jake Doland and Ayan Callaghan who plays Miles De Souza.

Darren Campbell flying

Microsoft is one of the founding partners of the New Wembley Stadium and arranged the mini football tournament. Partners and agencies all paid to play and raised over £50,000, including match funding from Microsoft.

