The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Become a Facebook fan of Oxfam

Howard Lake | 27 June 2008 | Blogs

How do you link your main corporate charity site to your charity’s Facebook group or Facebook page? Facebook offers you a simple blue graphic which you can download and use:

Find us on Facebook

There’s always your personal link e.g.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

but that’s not relevant for an organisation’s presence on Facebook.

You could always simply add a text link to your organisation’s page, but that’s not that exciting. So, hats off to Oxfam for their effort in their latest monthly email news alert:

Facebook fan of Oxfam

Simple and to the point, and all within the new Oxfam brand and style. No Facebook logo.

That said, there are only 531 fans for Oxfam GB so far, a far cry from the 41,571 fans of the Greenpeace International page on Facebook (OK, I’m not comparing a national charity with an international organisation). But that just shows what can be achieved. OxfamGB have begun to customise their Facebook page with a clear donate now button (or rather ‘Get rich quick – give’ button).

Mercifully though, Oxfam has not joined the herds in turning the word ‘fan’ into a transitive verb e.g. "please fan my website". Yes, "to fan" exists as a verb of course, but it has a completely different meaning.

UK Fundraising has a Facebook page as well as a Facebook group. So, please become a Facebook fan of UK Fundraising.

Incidentally, Facebook includes ./guidance on how to promote your Facebook page outside Facebook.

