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Fiona Fullerton receives generous donation from the Hospital Saturday Fund

Howard Lake | 16 July 2008 | News

Actress and Writer Fiona Fullerton, best known for playing Alice in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and the KGB spy, Pola Ivanova, in the 1985 Bond film “A View to Kill”, and now as a weekly property columnist for the Daily Telegraph, was presented a generous cheque for £5,000 by John Greenwood, Chairman of The Hospital Saturday Fund, for the charity, Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust, of which she is a Patron

Fiona Fullerton

Fiona became involved with the Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust in 2006 when she was invited to become a Patron. With brain tumours being the biggest cancer killer of people under 40 and the second most common childhood cancer after Leukaemia; Fiona felt passionately that more needs to be done in addressing the lack of awareness with regard to brain tumours in the UK. Since supporting the charity and its founders Neil and Angela Dickson, Fiona has become one of its most active Patrons making numerous personal appearances to help raise the profile of the charity.


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Keith Bradley, Chief Executive of The Hospital Saturday Fund, told those at the presentation held at Guildhall, London ‘The aims and ideals of our founders and what happened in the early years has not been forgotten. Being a charitable organisation we are able to channel surplus money from the health plan back into the community by way of donations to medical charities, hospitals and hospices’.

The Hospital Saturday Fund has been in existence since 1873 and was formed to give working people an opportunity to contribute to the upkeep of their local hospitals on payday, which was Saturday, hence the name. Since the NHS came into being in 1948 the Fund grew into a health cash plan and now, under the name of HSF health plan, its contributors receive many health related benefit payments and grants towards the everyday costs of a visit to the dentist or optician as well as some of those associated with a hospital admission.

If you would like more information about HSF health plan or the charity work of The Hospital Saturday Fund itself, call 020 7202 1304 or go to


For all press enquiries please contact Siarah Khan at CCD PR
Tel: 020 7434 4100 or email: si****@cc***.com

