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Three join ImpACT Coalition steering group

Howard Lake | 10 September 2008 | News

The ImpACT Coalition has added three new members to its steering group, strengthening its influence in the sector.
Tris Lumley of New Philanthropy Capital, Caroline Schwaller of NAVCA and Karen Barnes of Scope are the three new members.
Lumley leads NPC Tools, a new team developing practical tools for charities and funders that help them measure, analyse and communicate results.
Schwaller has 20 years governance, management and project development experience in the voluntary and community sector with a particular interest in accountability and transparency.
Barnes is head of individual giving at Scope and is responsible for supporter acquisition, development and care as well as legacies and the fundraising database.
Richard Marsh, director of the ImpACT Coalition said: “The appointment of Tris Lumley and Caroline Schwaller will add a new dimension to the Coalition while the input of Karen Barnes represents the commitment of Scope to the process of accountability and transparency in our sector. The ImpACT steering group looks to refresh itself on a regular basis.”

