The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Venturesome makes £100,000 loan to eating disorders charity

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Venturesome, the social investment fund of the Charities Aid Foundation, has made an unsecured loan of £100,000 to eating disorders charity Beat to help it increase its reach throughout the UK.

This is the third time that Venturesome have worked with Beat. They originally worked together in 2005, and more recently in 2007 when Venturesome provided support to help Beat manage its cash-flow. The present award will help Beat to develop its income-generating activities.

Eating disorders have a higher mortality rate than any other psychiatric illness – one in five of those seriously affected will die.


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John Kingston, Director of Venturesome, said: “The work that Beat do is essential to so many people – both those experiencing eating disorders and those supporting them. This coupled with the efficiency and professionalism that they bring to all of their operations means that we were happy to work with them on this exciting development.”

