Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

St Dunstan's launches multichannel direct strategy

Howard Lake | 20 October 2008 | News

St Dunstan's direct mail appeal
St Dunstan’s, the charity that provides lifelong support for blind and seriously visually impaired ex-Service men and women, is targeting new and existing donors with a range of direct marketing activity this month.
Direct-to-digital agency TDA has devised appeals designed to increase donations from warm audiences and boost cold donor acquisition. Activity will include direct mail, door drops and inserts.
Existing donors will be invited to offer a message of remembrance and support as part of a ‘flag planting’ ceremony the charity is holding to mark the 90th anniversary of the end of World War I. The mail pack includes a flag that can be inscribed with a personal message and returned to the charity with or without a donation.
Creative executions for cold audiences focus on younger people who have suffered sight problems after serving in the Forces, as well as World War veterans.
Inserts will appear in Spectator, The Week, The Oldie, History Today, BBC History, Who Do You Think You Are, The Lady and Radio Times.

