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Capital One and Scope “dare the DJs” in Nottingham

Howard Lake | 24 October 2008 | News

Capital One has teamed up with Nottingham-based radio-station Trent FM on a fundraising campaign for disability charity Scope, that will put DJs to the test.
The campaign, called ‘Dare the DJ’, will see radio presenters from the station undertake a series of challenging dares over the course of a week, such as training on ice with the Nottingham Panthers, busking in Nottingham city or sitting a SATS (Standard Assessment Tests).
The DJs who will be challenged are Twiggy, Mark Dennison, Emma Caldwell and James Cook.
Listeners have the chance to vote for the DJ they most want to see step up to the challenge by visiting and clicking on the relevant Just Giving links to make a donation to Scope.
The money raised will help Scope provide vital services for people with cerebral palsy and support its Time to Get Equal campaign – which fights for equality for all disabled people.
Justin Basini, Vice-President Brand Marketing at Capital One said: “We’re really proud of the partnership we’ve built with Scope over the last five years which has helped us to create an increasingly accessible and diverse work environment at our Nottingham headquarters. We’re thrilled that Trent FM is leading a terrific campaign to generate greater awareness about the important work Scope does.”
Emilia Carman, Corporate Manager of Scope Partnerships adds: “This is an exciting campaign. Not only does it raise awareness of Scope’s mission to support disabled people to achieve equality and raise vital funds, but it will also give Trent FM listeners a chance to see their favourite DJ test their mettle. And it might help us dispel the myth that DJs are all talk and no action!”
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For more information please contact Julie Burley in the Scope press office on 020 7619 7372 or email ju**********@sc***.uk
Notes to Editors:
Scope is a disability organisation whose focus is people with cerebral palsy. Scope’s mission is to drive the change to make our society the first where disabled people achieve equality. Our Time To Get Equal campaign aims to build a mass movement of one million people to help achieve this. To find out more visit
Julie Burley
Press and PR Officer
6 Market Road
London N7 9PW
Direct line: 020 7619 7372
Main Press Office number: 020 7619 7200



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