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FRSB achieves 1,000 members mark

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The Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB) now has 1,010 members, with 75 applications from charities and suppliers being received since January.
Launched in 2007, the FRSB administers the scheme for the self-regulation of fundraising in the UK. As well as encouraging the highest standards of fundraising practice by all fundraising organisations, it operates a complaints process to back this up.
The new members include the Mary Rose Trust. Fundraising Manager, Lucy Hone said: “The Mary Rose Trust has joined FRSB as a public statement about our commitment to the highest standards in fundraising. We have a huge task in hand and, in this uncertain economic climate, those who give need to know that they are donating to organisations that have nothing to hide”.
Other new members include the New Children’s Hospital Appeal in Manchester, and the Family Holiday Association.
The FRSB has been criticised by some for not securing enough members fast enough. But the new membership marketing campaign which began in the new year appears to be paying off. Alistair McLean, FRSB chief executive, said: “We’ve just had our best ever month for signing up new members and this month looks as if the growth is being maintained.
“I’m hopeful that this momentum will continue as a result of our recruitment activity and that more potential members will see the benefits joining the scheme and signing up to

