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Inspiring fundraisers in the East of England

Around 80 fundraisers attended today’s Institute of Fundraising East Anglia regional group’s conference at Wood Green Animal Shelter in Godmanchester, Cambridgeshire.
Titled ‘Inspiring fundraisers in the East of England’, the event offered a good line-up of speakers and some practical advice and information.
Wood Green Animal Shelter
Institute of Fundraising East Anglia conference
I was speaking in the afternoon so missed the morning sessions, which was a shame as the two plenaries by Paul Amadi (Fundraising Director of RNIB and Chair of the Institute of Fundraising) and John Baguley, Director of the International Fundraising Consultancy, went down well.
No matter. I interviewed John just before he left and asked him to summarise his presentation. You can listen to the interview, my first using ipadio:

The event featured sessions on event fundraising by Bruce Tait:
Bruce Tait
Legacy Fundraising by Christine Punter (Legacy Development Officer at RNIB), Fundraising Policy by Lee Grant (Institute of Fundraising), Presentation Skills by Gill Jolly:
Gill Jolly
and the use of Emotion in Successful Direct Marketing by Sharon Evans (Head of Fundraising at Wood Green Animal Shelter) and Nick Holmes of

I spoke on how to use social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter together with tools such as blogs, RSS, and widgets to fundraise.
Earlier I had managed to post just one report to Twitter on Lee Grant’s session. No-one else was Twittering or reporting on the conference. I wonder if that will change next year?
You can see some of the websites and resources that were mentioned in some of the sessions at
Delegates at the event are welcome to add links that they learned about at the conference. By tagging them ‘iofea’ in their account, we can build up a more comprehensive list for us and others to use.
You can also see photos of the event at
The conference concluded with an enjoyable speed fundraising networking session where we all had a series of three minutes conversations about useful lessons we had learned in fundraising. Gill Jolly then concluded the event:

