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Good.ly to donate 100% of income for 24 hours on #charitytuesday

Howard Lake | 15 June 2009 | News

Charity URL shortening service good.ly will donate 100% of all commissions generated through its site tomorrow for 24 hours to tie in with the popularity of the #CharityTuesday activity on Twitter.

#CharityTuesday is a hashtag on Twitter that was created to encourage Twitter users to recommend their favourite charity or charities to their followers on Twitter. It should only be used on Tuesdays, of course.

Depending on the results, Good.ly might repeat the 100% commission days.


Normally Skimlinks donate 55% of all commissions generated by the shortened URLs provided by Good.ly to the selected charity or charities.

Good.ly has been been developed by Skimlinks which allows online publishers to monetise their content by generating income from sales from links in their content.


