Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Management Centre launches global fundraising research programme

The Management Centre (=mc) has begun a global fundraising research programme to map the current and future fundraising landscape, with input from 150 leading fundraisers and sector experts around the world.

The research programme will examine:

• the impact of the global financial crisis upon fundraising,


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

• fundraising income over the past 12 months compared against the previous year,

• short-term projections for fundraising over the coming year and;

• likely fundraising ‘scenarios’ (income streams, donor stereotypes, new and emerging donor markets, technological advances) over the next 5-10 years

The research programme is divided into two projects. The Global Fundraising Confidence Survey will be based on an online survey addressing fundraising income levels and sources, the impact of the financial crisis upon the nonprofit sector, which organisations, causes and regions have and will be most affected and what strategies fundraisers should adopt to overcome economic instability.

The survey is designed to reveal how confident nonprofit fundraising organisations are about the current fundraising landscape and the year ahead.

The Global Fundraising Scenarios Project is an in-depth research programme designed to identify likely scenarios for fundraisers over the next 5-10 years.

Between June and September 2009, The Management Centre is convening several groups of up to 20 global fundraising experts in the UK, South Africa, Switzerland, Mexico, India, Argentina and the US, exploring their views on how donors, markets and technologies might develop by 2020.

These views will be developed into a number of alternative possibilities or scenarios and the related risks and opportunities explored. The scenarios will then be distributed to the whole group who will be asked to vote on the most likely.

The final results will be unveiled at =mc’s Global Fundraising Futures seminar in London on 10 September 2009, where a complimentary research report will be provided to every delegate.

Bernard Ross, Director of The Management Centre, said: “While nobody can tell us exactly what the nonprofit sector and the economy might look like come 2020, or next year for that matter, fundraising organisations need to have some basis within which to frame their strategy, budget projections and forecasts.

“The fundraising arena is an increasingly global marketplace, where competition is rife. This programme aims to help direct fundraisers where to invest their time and energy in order to maximise efficiency and – ultimately – build and diversify their income sources”.

