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NCVO Fundraising Conference to be held in November

Howard Lake | 8 September 2009 | News


NCVO’s annual fundraising conference will be held on 26 November 2009 at the charity’s Conference Suite in North London. The one day event is aimed at anyone working in fundraising or finance for a voluntary or community organisation.

Speakers include David Saint, Chairman, Action Planning; Ian Woodcroft, Head of Policy and Knowledge Management, Lloyds TSB Foundation; and Amanda Bringans, Director of Fundraising, Macmillan Cancer Support.

Four workshops held in the morning will be repeated in the afternoon. They will cover:


* Effective corporate fundraising
* Making the most of fundraising online
* Tools and resources for sustainable funding
* Core message frameworks for fundraising

The event costs £151.90 for voluntary/public sector members of NCVO and £217 for voluntary/public sector non-members.




