Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

“Teach charity in schools” say Community Foundations

Howard Lake | 8 September 2009 | News

Community Foundations from across Britain have urged the Government to promote the teaching of charity in schools to achieve “a long term shift in the culture of philanthropy in the UK”.

The call comes in the publication of Community Foundation Network’s final ‘Manifesto for Community Philanthropists’, which will be launched at the Network’s Conference on Thursday.

Around 400 delegates from the country’s 57 Community Foundations are attending their biennial conference, which is being held in Nottingham.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The Manifesto is designed to shape political thinking in the run up to the General Election. Other key recommendations include:

· Special giving zones with favourable tax treatment for donors, in areas of greatest need.

· The creation of bank gifting accounts to simplify giving and ensure tax efficiency.

· A creation of lifetime legacies to enable philanthropists to release funds during their lifetimes rather than having to wait until they die.



