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Red Cross unveils bus as mobile charity shop

Howard Lake | 1 June 2010 | News

The British Red Cross has unveiled its first mobile charity shop in the form of a double decker bus. The Big Red Cross Bus is a charity shop and volunteer information centre. It is currently visiting 12 locations around the UK from 31 May to 12 June to celebrate Volunteers’ Week 2010.
As well as generating income, the charity hopes the bus will help recruit new volunteers. Maryanne Burton, head of volunteering at the charity, said: “Lots of people think about volunteering but maybe don’t get round to doing it, so this is a fun way to find out more and give it a go. Besides browsing and shopping, you can also try your hand at sorting, steam-cleaning clothes and pricing the stock”.
The bus’ visit to Stirling yesterday proved successful. Thirty one people registered as volunteers, a fashion student from Stirling University came along to give some fashion tips, and takings in the local Red Cross shop received a substantial boost as people went over to support their local shop.

