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PFRA and TSI to map cold calling control zones

The Public Fundraising Regulatory Association (PFRA) and the Trading Standards Institute (TSI) have agreed to map Cold Calling Control Zones (CCCZs) throughout the UK and issue ./guidance on how and when they apply to charity fundraising.
They are working together after the Institute of Fundraising revised its code of practice on face-to-face fundraising to include new recommendations on fundraising within CCCZs. The revised code says that charity fundraisers should observe CCCZs that are set up in accordance with Trading Standards Institute ./guidance.
It also says that fundraisers may enter CCCZs that are not set up according to TSI ./guidance provided they have:
• conducted a reputational risk assessment
• established a policy on fundraising in CCCZs that has been approved by their trustees.
Mick Aldridge, PFRA’s Chief Executive, said: “As the organisation that is tasked with enforcing the code of practice, we need the most up-to-date picture we can get of how many CCCZs exist, where they are, and whether they conform to TSI ./guidance. Doorstep face-to-face fundraising has been increasing over the past two years and we expect this trend to continue. That’s why we are keen to work with the TSI to establish with confidence the limited number of areas where charities ought not fundraise.”
TSI’s chief executive Ron Gainsford says: “No cold calling zones are a very important area of work that TSI launched in 2005 – it has since then steadily grown in popularity among consumers who want to have a say on whether they get cold called on their doorstep or not. We are very pleased about the revised code of practice and look forward to continue working with PRFA to achieve a clearer and more uniform relationship between doorstep charity fundraising and NCCZs.”

