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Add giving and volunteering to ‘Happiness Index’, urges CAF

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is urging the government to include levels of charitable giving and volunteering within its proposed ‘Happiness Index’, announced today.
According to The Guardian, ( Happiness index to gauge Britain’s national mood), “the Office of National Statistics will shortly be asked to produce measures to implement David Cameron’s long-stated ambition of gauging “general wellbeing”.”
Hannah Terrey, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at the Charities Aid Foundation said: “We’re calling on the Government and the Office of National Statistics to measure charitable giving as one of the indicators for wellbeing in their planned index…
“Previous research, including our ‘
World Giving Index’, has shown that there is a clear link between giving time and money to charity and levels of wellbeing. Further promoting individual giving would benefit not only charities but donors and society as a whole.”
Photo: dotbenjamin on

