The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Lottery in N Ireland opens £10 million programme

The Big lottery Fund in Northern Ireland has launched a new funding programme worth £10 million aimed at reducing harm caused by alcohol misuse.
Funding will be made available to statutory, voluntary and community organisations for a range of projects. The programme will be run in conjunction with the Public Health Agency, each of the five Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Trusts and their partners.
The grants will be distributed in two ways. £7 million will be allocated to the Health and Social Care Trusts to allow them to work with voluntary and community organisations to deliver portfolios of projects, over four years, within their Trust area.
Portfolios will be made up of different individual projects, usually delivered at a number of locations, which together will form a cohesive strategy to deliver the programme outcome.
The responsibility for developing a portfolio of projects is with the Health and Social Care Trusts, which will identify organisations that will meet the programme outcomes.
A further £3 million in direct grants will be made to voluntary and community sector organisations to run projects across Northern Ireland. Projects must take place in more than one of the Health and Social Care Trust areas.
There are a number of key dates in relation to the programme:
* Northern Ireland-wide strand stage one application forms and ./guidance notes to organisations by Monday 16 May 2011.
* These applications must be completed and returned by noon on Monday 14 November 2011.
* Big Lottery will then let applicants know by May 2012 if they are inviting them to submit a stage two application.
* If invited to stage two, applicants will be offered a development grant. Second stage applications need to be in by 16 January 2013
In addition, each Health and Social Care Trust has received a development proposal form in the Impact of Alcohol portfolio grants application pack. The deadline for returning the completed forms is noon on Friday 14 January 2011. Big Lottery will let applicants know the outcome of their application by March 2011. The Health Trusts will work with stakeholders to determine their priorities and how best to meet them and portfolio applications will need to be with Big Lottery by 3 October 2011

