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CAF to sell its payroll giving arm

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) logo

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is to sell its professional fundraising arm Sharing the Caring to the Kent-based J & H Payroll Giving Ltd.

Sharing the Caring was established in 1996 by a consortium led by Help the Aged, and CAF took over responsibility from the consortium in 2005 and turned it into a self-sustaining payroll fundraising operation. The organisation claims on its website that it raises “more money for charity than any other” professional fundraising organisation. Since it took it over it has generated around £6 million in donations for charities.

John Low, Charities Aid Foundation
John Low, Charities Aid Foundation

John Low, Chief Executive of the Charities Aid Foundation, explained the reason for its sale. “As with many initiatives that CAF has incubated”, he said, “the time has come for it to become independent. I believe that with management exclusively focussed on generating new committed payroll giving donors, the organisation will prosper and add even more value to the sector”.


He added that “CAF remains by far the largest payroll giving agency and is fully committed to the promotion and growth of GAYE.”

The directors of J & H Payroll Giving Limited also operate Bell Fundraising Ltd. The latter company is a three-time winner of the Payroll Giving Gold Award.

