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Nottingham students win RAG of the Year award

Students at The University of Nottingham have won the ‘RAG of the Year’ award after raising over £50,000 for Breast Cancer Campaign.
Members of Nottingham Karnival, the Students’ Union-run Raising and Giving (RAG) group, Nottingham Karnival, received the award at Breast Cancer Campaign’s awards ceremony at the House of Lords last week. The group managed to collect over £22,000 in a single day, when over 100 members visited London for the ‘wear it pink megaraid’ in October.
Nottingham Karnival say that in 2009 they became the first student RAG group to raise over £1 million for charity in a single year.
Chris Bowman, the director of Nottingham Karnival, said: “We are dedicated to raising money for charity and have enjoyed every collection we have taken part in including the early starts, waking up in the early hours getting ready to hit the streets and sometimes collecting for 12 hours straight to make sure we have raised all we can!”

